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FASHIONISTA NOW: The Pros And Cons Of The Bucket Bag Trend

Credit | Melisa A.

Should you get a bucket bag? Find out the pros and cons of the bucket bags before you decide.

Bucket bags – you’ve seen them everywhere. Touted as the it spring 2015’s coolest bag, the bucket style bag trend is making its stay in the fashion sphere extended way into the cooler seasons. While I could have written about this bag trend way earlier, I must confess that even though the signature bucket shape was truly appealing at first sight, the opening of the bag arrests my interest.

But then again, that is just my personal view. And there are many other reasons to love the buckets bags too so I’ve taken to compiling a list of the pros and cons as have been discussed by the bag-obsessed crowd in the hopes of aiding you in your decision of whether to get the bucket bag or not.

So, today let us learn about the pros and cons of the bucket bag should you ever decide to jump in on the trend.

| Tia T.

The Bucket’s Much Loved Shape

Pro: It’s been said to me the most universally-appealing shape by people who evidently love the shape. If you agree, that’s cool!

Con: Some have come to a personal conclusion that, the longish shape of the bucket bag is awkward and they don’t fancy the look of it set against their body.

| Jillian Lansky

Slouch Vs Structure

Pro: If you’re a fan of structured bags (as I recently am), a bucket bag with a properly sturdy base and a strong outer material and inner lining will be grand plus points.

Con: Some will not appreciate the semi-structured feel of the bucket bag, especially of the larger bucket bag option as it still retains a look of a bit of casual bag.

| Vivian Li

Bag Sizing And Strap Flexibility

Pro: If you love full-sized bucket bags, then there are the humongous bucket bag variety to sling over your shoulder. Petite ones come by aplenty too!

Con: Some strap designs are hellish. Check to see if you can adjust the shoulder strap to go with your height to make sure that it hangs just at the sweet spot that flatters your figure best.

| Jenelle Witty

The Bucket Bag’s Depth

Pro: If you’re gonna chuck in a standard-sized water bottle then it goes that it will be much easier to pull out of the bag when you need to rehydrate.

Cons: Tiny things get lost in this deep jumble jungle easily. Heck, your mobile might not like being thrown about in a whirlwind without proper support. Built-in partitions would be heaven as no one likes to dig and dig and dig to find a piece of gum to chew at while crossing the road.

| Daniela Chimal

With or Without Fringe

Pro: Fringe lovers will say hurray.

Con: The fringe-averse will look for imaginary and real scissors to give them a trim.

| Tessie B.

Colored Vs Neural

Pro: Colorful bucket bags are definitely an instant pick-me-up bag style to accompany a neutral outfit coordination or to further spruce an energetic wardrobe.

Cons: How many times are you going to wear a boldly colored bag of any style? For long-term relevancy, I find that the neutral bucket bags in black, camel brown, tan, or plain off white are a better investment.

| Gaby Morales

Speed of Retrieval

Pro: They are great for chunking a few chunky things that you can retrieve in no sweat.

Con: Is it a full-on practical bag? That depends. You definitely need to separate those little things you carry in your bag in a separate small pouch yourself. Chucking everything into the bucket might not be a good thing but if you have nimble and sensitive fingers that efficiently retrieving your favorite lipstick or tampon from any type of jumble of stuff in a jiff, then go for it!

| Sara Che

It Is All In The Opening

Pro: Some love this wide-open styling as it allows them to dig for whatever they want to without fussing over zippers, buckles and the like.

Con: Things may disappear due to an innocent accidental fall-out of that uber expensive lipstick you can’t live without or a more sinister plot: a criminal has taken advantage of the readily-open top.

| Claude Marx

Fun fact about me: I used to carry super huge, slouchy bags that can double up as a weapon of destruction solely by how very lethally heavy they were. It wasn’t that my shoulders gave up but photos taken of me carrying a monstrosity of a bag killing whatever sense of style I had, stopped me.

So ladies, will you or will you not be slinging bucket bags over your shoulders this season? What other pros and cons of the bucket bag that you would like to add to the list? Share below – we all want to know!

“It was always sort of my dream to make handbags and I wanted a handbag that was very sharp, very structured, very tailored I wanted a bag you could put all of your things in it, you can open it, you could close it, you could hid all your tricks, but it’s not all lumpy.”L’Wren Scott

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Here on Fashionista NOW, our one and very own Miss Reverie showcases the latest in fashion trends and its various social implications in our everyday lives. You may read more of her at REVERIE SANCTUARY.


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