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Fashionista NOW: Snake Skin Prints In Fashion & Snake Inspired Jewelry

Looking for exotic prints and bold accessories to shake up your outfit? You’ve got to give snake skin prints and snake inspired jewelry a chance, if you haven’t already.

Fashion trends change like the weather but we could all nod in agreement that we’ll never run out of animal prints to wear judging from the current fashion fascination with prints. Although leopard prints have remained high on the list, the trend may now be facing a slinky competition from the snake prints.

If you’ve got ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), don’t count yourself out just yet. Not until you’ve seen for yourself how faux snake prints can add a distinct and edgy touch to a simple outfit. However, if you have the tendency to dive into vivid and wild imagination that involves the reptile, please stay away from graphic snake prints.

Prints in reptilian skin of the slithery snake can be found stamped on structured blazers, tops, skirts and dresses. If the idea of wearing snakeskin clothing seems to ooze too much visual drama, check out shoes that carry the prints. You can pair snake prints heels with a subdued monochromatic ensemble.

While you’re at it, take a look at snake inspired jewelry. Rings, bangles and cuffs designed to wrap around your finger, wrist or arm are perfect for those with an inclination and love for the more out-there look ala Cleopatra-themed jewelry. Snake necklace and belts are worth looking into as well.

Snakes, the kind that inspire Anaconda movies, in reality are fear-inducing. The jewelry they inspire, I admit, are pretty, but bold snake prints on clothing still give me mild heebie-heebies. What do you think?

Below are some fashionable outfit ideas with snake skin prints and jewelry.

Are you finding yourself loving the snake prints? What about snake jewelry? Will you be wearing them anytime soon? Shoot your lines down below.

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Here on Fashionista NOW, our one and very own Miss Reverie showcases the latest in fashion trends and its various social implications in our everyday lives. You may read more of her at REVERIE SANCTUARY.

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