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Fall 2019 Outfit Ideas According To Your Body Shape

Fall 2019 Outfit Ideas According To Your Body Shape
Credit | L.Z.

It’s time to show off your style and experiment with cozy autumnal colors, layers and accessories this fall. Read on to find out how you can put together the perfect outfit for fall that corresponds to your specific figure type.

Choose A Color Scheme

Credit / Minimalissmo

When it comes to color schemes, fall gives you access to a variety of more unusual but elegant, bright colors. It can be fun to experiment and mix and match, but remember to keep it balanced – you need colors that complement and work together . If you’re unsure about color schemes, click here for five fall-inspired color palettes. You shouldn’t choose more than five colors for one outfit – choosing more can make your outfit look messy and disorganized. Remember, you want to keep things connected and in tune with each other. Once you have a color scheme and your clothes are in harmony with each other, everything else will fall into place.


Think About What Suits Your Body Shape

Everyone has a body shape, and to make your outfit stunning, you need to choose clothes that complement it.

There are four main body shapes:

Credit / Christy Jaldori

An hourglass figure is made up of a wide bust and hips, with a narrow waist, and to many, seems like the ideal body type for women. Something that makes this look great is it gives you sexy curves which you should flaunt. Choose clothing that prevents any bulkiness from appearing, and clothing that hugs your waist – or choose accessories or pieces that highlight your narrow waist and curves, like a fabric belt.

Credit / Claudia Hi

A pear-shaped figure is again, all about curves – weight is more distributed at the hips and the thighs, giving you sweeping curves that span out. However, when you have this body shape, you actually want to wear clothing that draws attention to your upper half – this will keep your proportions in check and give a sense of balance, rather than coming across as very bottom-heavy.

Credit / Lootsin Loots

A rectangular figure needs a bit of thought. It’s all about emphasizing a little curviness. This means you want to look for clothing that either gives the impression of curves or creates curves of their own. Jackets are a good bet here – often, you can find jackets that curve in a little at the waist and gently shape it. Flared jeans are also a good option, as they add curves to your figure.

Credit / Andreea Birsan

An apple-shaped body is top-heavy, meaning features like your bust, waist and upper back are wider. This is a good thing! You have features you’ll want to celebrate and highlight, and wearing the right clothing can bring focus to these features – choose clothing that is streamlined for a polished look and use accessories to bring a visual interest to them.

For general rules of thumb, some items of clothing will always work well – scarves are perfect for accentuating a fall look, and if you really want to make a statement, invest in some luxury cashmere for women to give yourself a cozy but drop-dead gorgeous look.

Always remember – coordinating outfits for your body is all about experimenting; so try new things and celebrate your natural body shape by being adventurous while keeping in mind of your proportions!

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