Credit | Adriana Seminario
There’s a a new pencil skirt style in town that’s taking the fashion-obsessed world by storm. It combines both the asymmetrical hemline and tulip-esque wrap design in one giving your typical short to midi length pencil skirts a seriously fun and chic twist.
For many of us, pencil skirts typically make up a more dressy ensemble especially when they are midis in length. The short variations are much more party-worthy but lacking a little something when they’re just pretty much your typical short pencil skirt. With the latest new transformation given to the pencil skirts where designers combine both the front asymmetrical hemline with a wrap-style design, you can really do dial up the fun factor with this fresh pencil skirt look.
If you’re all about wearing skirts and are always eyeing for ways to replenish your skirt collection with something that’s out of the box, we highly recommend giving the asymmetrical wrap pencil skirts a go! They can easily be eased into your casual wardrobe, introducing a playful side into the pencil skirt trend that often makes up a more business-y getup.
Scroll on to have a look at how the front wrap pencil skirt can totally spruce up your look this summer!
What do you think of this pencil skirt style? Would you wear it? What other summer skirt styles do you enjoy wearing? Share your thoughts below – I’d love to know!
“Your graciousness is what carries you. It isn’t how old you are, how young you are, how beautiful you are, or how short your skirt is. What it is, is what comes out of your heart. If you are gracious, you have won the game.” — Stevie Nicks
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Here on Fashionista NOW, our one and very own Miss Reverie showcases the latest in fashion trends and its various social implications in our everyday lives. You may read more of her at REVERIE SANCTUARY.
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