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Home » FASHIONISTA NOW » Fashionista NOW: Choose ChusCraft For Mother Nature Jewelry Handmade In Malaysia

Fashionista NOW: Choose ChusCraft For Mother Nature Jewelry Handmade In Malaysia

Choose ChusCraft For Mother Nature Jewelry Handmade In Malaysia

Credit | ChusCraft

Because, Mother nature’s the best…

Inspired by my love for nature, while on a hunt for stores that cater to accessories made with nature as their inspiration, I discovered ChusCraft and instantly felt a connection with their beautiful jewelry collection that uses natural elements like, water (yup, real water) and my favorite: dandelion seeds. Was I smitten? Yes I was and still am!

ChusCraft is owned by a passionately creative nature-lover Ye-Chu Woon who resides in the rural south of Peninsular Malaysia. She has been besties with nature since childhood (like me!) with her favorite activities being catching fish, grasshopper and ladybirds. She found out earlier to use whatever resources available to create a thoughtful gifts from scratch to give to her friends during their birthdays as growing up, simply purchasing a gift from the store was out of the question.

Her passions is reflected by the way her gems are created; some full of colors while others, retain a charm of a timeless vintage. Whether it’s a bird, twig, mushrooms and flowery bits and bobs, you’ll surely find a piece that can make your heart flutter. For those looking forever for nature-inspired jewelry made in our very own backyard (Malaysia), rejoice, for I recommend giving ChusCraft a look and then, drool and swoon. The jewelry style appeals to the bohemian crowd in particularly those with an intense love for our Mother Nature.

ChusCraft’s message? Wear a nature’s heART piece with you always. The Malaysian handmade jewelry store wishes to tell you of beauty that is primitive, breathtaking and unique, through their jewelry collection and I feel that it has done that and more.

Have a feel of what the Malaysian nature jewelry store has to offer (while giving your eyes some GREEN therapy) and let your heart decide:



Boho Long Statement Dandelion Necklace


| shop here


Colorful Dried Flower Necklace


| shop here


Dandelion Glass Terrarium Necklace


| shop here


Real Water Glass Bubble Earrings


| shop here


Silver Dandelion Pendant Necklace


| shop here


Wormwood Green Leaf Necklace


| shop here


Love what you see? Give ChusCraft much love by following them on:

Instagram | Facebook | Etsy


Would you wear nature-inspired jewelry? Which is your favorite from ChuCraft’s delightfully botanical collection? Share below – I’d love to know!

Each thought, each action in the sunlight of awareness becomes sacred.Nhat Hanh

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Here on Fashionista NOW, our one and very own Miss Reverie showcases the latest in fashion trends and its various social implications in our everyday lives. You may read more of her at REVERIE SANCTUARY.


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