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Fashionista NOW: 10 Ways To Style White Denim Jeans Fashion Inspiration

Credit | Yunuen Alvarado

For us clumsy clowns, white jeans are avoided because eating with abandon takes precedent. But if the reason to shun the white denim trend is due to some deeper style blockage, then let us help you dig down further and maybe, solve this fashion riddle.

White jeans (or pants) in whatever cut are viewed by some as very cumbersome to style. It’s the whiteness, they say. This blank canvas of white for some reason makes it a magnet for all sorts of stains. Others feel that white jeans are far from friendly to work on certain body shapes. But surely this can be solved by wearing a size/cut that flatters and fits you. As if this settles it all, because as we shall see that there is a deeper issue with white jeans than what meets the eye.

Where black trims, white opens

While black (and other darker shades) are embraced as the easier choice to cloak or hide away certain body issues we have, white reveals. And this makes (some of us) uncomfortable. The underlying belief that we hold revolves around this: my legs aren’t worthy of white jeans.

I used to think that anything in white, from tops to shoes are needlessly high-maintenance. This can be explained by the enormous lode of dark clothing that I owned and that to wash whites separately just to avoid the risk of tainting it with other colors was just a little too much for me to be bothered with. I wasn’t going to spend my time that way.

The minimalist in white

But as you can see, the very recent appreciation for lighter colors I’ve acquired has made me see the light at the end of this ‘fashion’ tunnel. I’m certain that anyone can wear the white denim jeans and look mighty fab (although we have to be mindful of where we choose to plant our bottoms and avoid wearing them during our monthly woes).

Now, if you are ready to expand your wardrobe choices by including a pair of white jeans this season, I invite you to scroll away and take a cure from the various white denim outfits styled by lookbookers below:

How To Nail The White Denim Jeans Trend:

| Jessica Sheppard

| Natalie Jane

| Carina Chung

| Sun Zibar

| Curlsallover

| Jenna Marie

| Natasha Lee

| Una Yeung


Ladies, from the list above, what is your favorite outfit style to wear with white jeans? For those who have yet to warm up to the white denim: Share your reasons as to why there are so frustratingly hard to wear – I’d love to know!

“Light is meaningful only in relation to darkness, and truth presupposes error. It is these mingled opposites which people our life, which make it pungent, intoxicating. We only exist in terms of this conflict, in the zone where black and white clash.”Louis Aragon, Paris Peasant

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Here on Fashionista NOW, our one and very own Miss Reverie showcases the latest in fashion trends and its various social implications in our everyday lives. You may read more of her at REVERIE SANCTUARY.

2 comments to Fashionista NOW: 10 Ways To Style White Denim Jeans Fashion Inspiration

  • What’s funny is that I’m actually wearing a white jeans today! =D I’ve no issue with wearing white jeans besides just one. I’m not the most careful person so clumsiness is my 2nd nature actually. When I wear white anything, I tend to get a lot more spots on it comparing to any other colors. I will have curry spots, wanton noodles black sauce spots or any of those on my jeans by the end of the day or after a meal. So yea, that’s my only issue.

    • Hehehe, I might give the white jeans a go if they come in a dusty off white wash so it’s easier to camo food stains (and try not to eat too adventurously while wearing them lol) I just saw your outfit post with the white flared jeans – I just love how leg-elongating they are =D xx @divainme:disqus

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